How do I create a broadcast-ready audio description?

Frazier allows you to automatically create a broadcast-ready audio description. To do this, the text-to-speech output is mixed with the original sound. It takes only a few minutes!

How to create an automated mix

  1. Open your project.
  2. Scroll down to the “Files” section.
  3. Open the context menu of a “tts” file. *
  4. Select the “Automated Mix” menu item.

* If you dont see any files of type “tts” in your list, ensure that you’ve already generated the text-to-speech output for your document (see previous chapter).


Now you have to make a few decisions:


Choose one of the options to determine how much the original audio is attenuated to leave space for the audio description.

  1. No ducking - Keep original audio track untouched.
  2. Ducking (-3 dB) - Minor adjustments to original audio track level when voice is active.
  3. Ducking (-6 dB) - Moderate adjustments to original audio track level when voice is active.
  4. Ducking (-12 dB) - Significant adjustments to original audio track level when voice is active.

Loudness Target

Now you have to choose a loudness target for your final audio mix. Different scenarios or standards are given in brackets.

  1. -13 LUFS (very loud, maximum level 0db)
  2. -16 LUFS (Internet, Podcast, Mobile)
  3. -23 LUFS, EBU R 128 (TV, Europe)
  4. -24 LUFS, ATSC A/85 (TV, US)

Select audio tracks

Now select the original soundtrack and the audio file with the text-to-speech output. If you have started the speech output several times before, make sure to select the correct text-to-speech file. The name of the file contains a date, and the list is sorted by creation date (the last generated output is at the top).

Click “Start” to finish the setup. You will be redirected to the project overview. Scroll back down to “Files” section. There you will find a placeholder for the upcoming mix. Wait a few minutes. Once the process is complete, the placeholder disappears and the generated audio file is linked.

Tip: You can repeat the mix with different settings if you are not satisfied with the volume adjustment or need multiple loudness targets for different scenarios. There are no additional costs for this. Please also take a look at the Billing chapter.

Create new video

If you want, you can also export the finished audio description as a new video. The audio track of your original video will be replaced.

  1. Scroll down to the “Files” section.
  2. Open the context menu of the generated audio track (type: “mix”).
  3. Select the “New Video” option.
  4. Select video and audio track. Note that there can be multiple versions here, depending on how many mixes you have created.
  5. Click on “Start.”

Again there will be a placeholder (type “mix_video”) in the “Files” section. Wait until the generation has finished and the file name appears.


Click on a file name in “Files” section to download a given audio or video file.

Tip: Depending on your browser settings, it may happen that it wants to play the mix or video directly. In this case, right-click on the file name and select the “Save target as…” option. So you can force the download and also select the storage location.

Last Update: 2023/10/11