How do I create a project?

Login first. You will then automatically be redirected to the project list.

  1. Click “New Project”.
  2. Give a “Title”.
  3. Set the “Media Source”. If you set the “Server” setting, you then upload a video. With the “Local storage” setting, the video remains on your computer. You can find details about this in the “Local Mode” chapter.
  4. Set the “Language” for the project. This is usually the language spoken most in the video. The setting will later help Frazier select an appropriate standard voice. Click “Create Project.”

You will now get to the overview of the project. There is a checklist in the upper right corner. It guides you through the project and always shows you what you should do next.

Author’s Tip: Leave additional notes for you and your team. Notes are displayed on the right in the project overview and in the editor. For example, you can store links to other documents and access them at any time.

Last Update: 2023/10/03