How do I create a folder?

Use folders to better organize your work. For example, if you are working on a series, you can put all the associated episodes into a folder and separate them from other projects.

This is how you create a folder

  1. Click on “Projects” on the left to go to the project list.
  2. Open the context menu to the right of the “New Project” button.
  3. Select the “New Folder…” menu item.
  4. Give it a “Name”.
  5. Click on “Create”.

Tip: Add notes to a folder. Just like project notes, these will later be displayed in the editor. For example, you can link to external documents that are relevant to all projects in the folder.

Move a project

You can move a project to another folder.

  1. Search for the project in the project list.
  2. In the context menu of the project, select the menu item “Move to…” and then the desired folder in the further submenu.
  3. Alternatively, you can open the project settings and select a folder there.

Rename a folder

  1. Open the project list.
  2. Open the folder’s context menu and select “Rename…”. Enter the new name in the prompt and hit “Ok”.
  3. Alternatively, you can open the “Settings” page of the folder and change the name there.

Delete a folder

If you no longer need the folder, you can delete it.

  1. Open the project list.
  2. Open the folder’s context menu and select the “Delete…” option.
  3. A security query follows. Click on “Delete” again and confirm the process.

Tip: Check beforehand whether you might want to keep a project contained in the folder. Move or archive this project before deleting the folder. Otherwise: what’s gone is gone!

Last Update: 2023/10/03