Editor Settings

Customize the editor to your liking.

By default, the video is on the left and the document is on the right. If necessary, simply swap the order.
Multi Color Waveform
Are you working in a document with multiple voices? For example, to have subtitles read out. For a better overview, a different color can be used for each voice. Becomes very colorful very quickly for many voices - is therefore not activated by default. 😉
Show Editor Tour
Would you like to repeat the tour again? Check the box and then open any document. Frazier then guides you through the basic features of the editor again.
Media Source
Decide how you basically want to deal with videos. Choose “Server” if you always want to upload films, “Local Mode” if you only want to work locally, or “Always Ask” to decide depending on the situation and project.
Video resolution in the editor
Playback of the video depends on the speed of the internet connection. By default, a smaller version of the movie is displayed in the editor to save bandwidth. If you have a very good internet connection (>50Mbit/s), you can increase the video quality. Note that this only applies to new projects, as the setting is taken into account when the project is initialized.

Configure Editor

Last Update: 2023/10/10